If you run a website that has been somewhat neglected over recent weeks and months, this can pose a major problem. While you may be able to attract general visitors, it is a lot less likely that you are going to be able to get people to keep coming back time and time again. So, here are a few of the top ways to stop neglecting your site.
Choose the Right Website Platform
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Ideally, you will start with the right foundation to ensure that you can easily keep your site fully updated. There is plenty of information on how to maintain a WordPress website or whatever platform that you have chosen online. Think about your own level of technical expertise and how this may act as a barrier to achieving what you would like to. Check out website builders and the respective reviews that are out there as well.
Keep Updating Your Site
You should always have something new to say on your website, and there is no point in having it stay dormant for an extended period of time. The blog page is the most obvious one on which you can post continual updates, but you should also think about updating your regular content from time to time as well. Not only will this help to keep your visitors engaged and interested, but it is more likely that you are going to rank highly on Google and the other main search engines as well.
Fix Any Errors
Both visitors and search engines alike will judge your website badly if any errors on there simply do not need to be made. This means tidying up any formatting and textual mistakes that may exist. Not only this, but you should ensure that there are no dead links that are taking people up cul-de-sacs.
Acquire Backlinks
It is a good idea to prepare a list of influencers who can prove to be beneficial in terms of sourcing content for the website. This goes a long way in securing backlinks for your website which subsequently helps in increasing backlinks for increasing your website rank on the search engine index page. However, if you do not have the time or are overwhelmed with everything and need to focus on your business, the Getmentioned agency can provide you with excellent link building services. You’ll feel on top of things once they get started and you’ll see clear progress.
Give it a Makeover
Just as fashion trends tend to change over time, so too do website trends. Therefore, you should not simply assume that your site is going to be timeless. Instead, you need to make the changes as and when they are needed along the way. Sometimes, these might just be little tweaks here and there. On other occasions, you may wish to give your site an entire rebrand.
Review and Optimise Your Content
Sometimes, it is not going to be a matter of uploading new content – you should also consider the content that is already on the site and how this is impacting. So, you should review it to see if there is any outdated info on there. Not only this, but you should ensure that it is all optimized with current best SEO practices and the specific set of keywords that you are trying to target.
Now is the time to stop neglecting your website, and by putting these steps into action, you can really help to ensure that your site is working as hard as it possibly can and give you the best results to attract more traffic.