Teeth start arriving in the first few years of life and babies will quickly have a full mouth of them. These teeth will fall out and be replaced by the adult set that needs to last you for life. The fact that they fall out means that some people are less concerned with looking after them.
However, teaching children to look after their teeth at a young age is vital if you want them to look after their adult teeth and keep them into old age.
Cavities are the enemy. They form when the outer edge of teeth is worn away, allowing a hole to start appearing n the tooth. In the early stages, the hole can be filled. If left, the cavity can become infected and cause a variety of other issues, including tooth loss.
Alarmingly, 41.7% of children between 5-10 years have cavities. You need to follow these simple steps to reduce the risk of this happening to your child.
1. Regular Check-ups
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Everyone should visit the dentist at least once a year. This is the best way to have your teeth inspected and for any issues to be picked up early. It will allow the dentist to repair any damage and keep your teeth strong and healthy.
Of course, children have additional issues, such as their teeth will naturally fall out or they may not be aligned properly. For this reason, it is advisable to use a specialist in child dentistry, such as this pediatric dentist Sydney.
2. Brush Daily
Over the course of the day, food debris will get stuck between your teeth. If left, it can decay and create a bad odour. It can also cause tooth decay as your mouth will react with the food debris and attack your teeth.
The best way to eliminate this is to brush teeth daily. It’s important to start teaching children to brush as soon as they get their first tooth. Ideally, they should brush twice a day for two minutes at each time. This will help to keep their teeth healthy.
As they get a little older you can also teach them to floss and even use mouthwash to boost their oral health.
3. Watch the Sugar
Sugar is in almost everything you eat, especially if you eat processed foods. When the sugar goes into your mouth it reacts with the bacteria that already exist inside your body. The reaction produces an acid that attacks the enamel on your teeth. Over time this can erode the enamel and leave the tooth vulnerable to attack.
The best way to avoid this is to reduce sugar intake. That means looking at your child’s diet and avoiding snacking between meals.
4. Lead by Example
Children learn a lot from their parents, especially when they are young and seek to mimic them. That’s why you should be open about your own dental health routine. Leading by example will encourage your child to create a habit that lasts for life.