If you live in a small town, you know how much local news there is that takes place. There are county fairs, block parties, and general town updates that people need to know about.
Because of this, one great business model for people in a small town is to start a newspaper! With just a small initial investment, you can get a local paper up and running in no time.
If you’re interested in creating your own newspaper, this guide is for you. Here’s a quick guide on how to start a small-town newspaper.
Getting Started
Table of Contents
The first step to getting started with a small-town newspaper is to think about what you’re going to need. Before you jump into the creation process, you’ll need to make sure that you have everything you require.
First, make sure that you have a mockup newspaper that you can show to potential advertisers. You can use a newspaper template to help create this.
Next, make sure you have a registered trade name. You’ll need to make sure you have this to ensure that you’re doing everything the legal way.
Finally, make sure you have enough time to launch your business. Then, you’re ready to hit the ground running!
Plan How Often and How Many Papers to Print
Now that you’ve got the basics figured out, it’s time to plan out how often and how many newspapers you want to print. Remember, as you plan this step you’ll want to remember to start small.
In a small town, you can start out by publishing your newspaper once a month. You can include information about upcoming events or you can talk about local stories and interesting activities taking place.
Once you’ve established how often you’ll print, it’s time to plan how many papers to print. You’re going to want to research how many people are in your town and plan to mail them to as many homes as possible.
Plan the Size of Your Paper
Next, it’s time for you to plan how big you want your paper to be. You should start out with about 8 pages.
You can always begin to add more pages as you encounter more news. However, keeping your paper to a smaller size, in the beginning, makes it more likely that people will read all the way through.
Once you’re ready, you can start expanding your paper to contain more pages. The more pages you have, the more opportunities you have for advertising and other money-making spreads.
Get Ready to Start a Newspaper
Now that you know what goes into planning a small-town paper, it’s time to start a newspaper that will share all the biggest town events. By following the guide in this post, you’ll be on your way to starting an amazing paper.
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